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There are many decisions to be made when capturing an image of your favorite planet, asteroid, galaxy or comet. As a Skynet Junior Scholar, you are asked to think and learn about the objects you observe with Skynet telescopes. SJS Explorations teach you skills you need to think critically about what you want to explore and how.


As a Skynet Junior Scholar, you use the same telescopes that astronomers use to do their research. Scholars share telescope observing time with each other and researchers. You will have many opportunities to communicate with astronomers who are eager to help you. You can cooperate with other scholars who are interested in the same things you are, share images and information and exchange observing tricks.


While you venture into the Universe as a Skynet Junior Scholar, gain useful skills in communicating, mathematics, and problem-solving and discover how different pieces of technology come together in the astronomer's tool box. Although you have opportunities to work with others and receive help from leaders and Skynet scientists, it is up to you to determine your direction and to follow through. We at SJS can't wait to see what you do!


With SJS you get to BE the astronomer. You will feel great when you command a Skynet telescope to take a picture of YOUR object! It's going to take some self-discipline because there is a lot to learn before you can do it well. Just like learning to ride a bicycle, you may have to make several attempts before you get the image you are hoping for, but don't give up; it's all part of the adventure. Keep good records in your notebook and communicate clearly what you have tried and where you are stuck. Discuss with Skynet scientists and share your new knowledge with others! Let's get started.